Week 10 for Ben 10.
Which week of quote is that?
So this raya full of surprises, when you learned about your family past, sometimes its full of wonderful stuff like happy things you learned to appreciate it, but when you learned about their dark secret of past, Its hard to accept it. especially when you always consider this man as a good person.
function attend?
Solat Raya in Subang which is for the first time ever.
Lesson from reading?
When you're reading to a person, sometimes you're realize that there are a few point miss from your last read.
Lesson from AV
try to forgive other
Activities ?
Hosting an open house
Lesson learn?
Please wear appropriately, don't just wear a shirt and a sarong to open house.
As a conclusion, this week really been a pain to my family although its raya. and main lesson that I've learned , wealth can destroy a family. And the berkat is just gone if you don't manage it properly.