Archive for 2013

A person, A paper, A promise

Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Chops"
because that was the name of his dog
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and a gold star
And his mother hung it on the kitchen door
and read it to his aunts
That was the year Father Tracy
took all the kids to the zoo
And he let them sing on the bus
And his little sister was born
with tiny toenails and no hair
And his mother and father kissed a lot
And the girl around the corner sent him a
Valentine signed with a row of X's
and he had to ask his father what the X's meant
And his father always tucked him in bed at night
And was always there to do it
Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Autumn"
because that was the name of the season
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and asked him to write more clearly
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because of its new paint
And the kids told him 
that Father Tracy smoked cigars
And left butts on the pews
And sometimes they would burn holes
That was the year his sister got glasses
with thick lenses and black frames
And the girl around the corner laughed
when he asked her to go see Santa Claus
And the kids told him why
his mother and father kissed a lot
And his father never tucked him in bed at night
And his father got mad
when he cried for him to do it.
Once on a paper torn from his notebook
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Innocence: A Question"
because that was the question about his girl
And that's what it was all about
And his professor gave him an A
and a strange steady look
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because he never showed her
That was the year that Father Tracy died
And he forgot how the end
of the Apostle's Creed went
And he caught his sister
making out on the back porch
And his mother and father never kissed
or even talked
And the girl around the corner 
wore too much make up
That made him cough when he kissed her
but he kissed her anyway
because that was the thing to do
And at three a.m. he tucked himself into bed
his father snoring soundly
That's why on the back of a brown paper bag
he tried another poem
And he called it "Absolutely Nothing"
Because that's what it was really all about
And he gave himself an A
and a slash on each damned wrist
And he hung it on the bathroom door
because this time he didn't think
he could reach the kitchen.


Dr Earl Reum

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Posted by Unknown


Alhamdullilah hari ulang tahun saya yang ke-20 telah kembali
kali ni dapat surprise daripada
kawan-kawan recycle 12
saya memang appreciate sangat-sangat
harap lepas ni kalau ada birthday orang lain
kita surprise kan diorang pulak yeh

Monday, October 21, 2013
Posted by Unknown



  1. 1
    Make a fool of yourself.
     Make a fool of yourself.
    Make a fool of yourself. One of the biggest things that holds many of us back is our fear of what people think. After all, you don't want people to think you're weird or rude or creepy or obnoxious or annoying, do you? But wait -- think about the most lovable, magnetic people you've come across in your life. Odds are, they weren't the meek, agreeable people who are reliably pleasant to be around. They were the people who were crazy andcharming. People who blurted out silly, maybe inappropriate things, or who made huge, slap-your-forehead mistakes, or who were over the top most of the time, but others forgave them for being less than perfect and in fact, liked them for it. So shatter your concern for what people think of you. You're allowed to be less than perfect, and you may find that people like you more for it, because it makes you a more exciting person to be around. Get laughed at, laugh with 'em. Do something you normally wouldn't do for fear of looking like an idiot. Be that idiot. You'll be fine.
  2. 2
    Face your fears.
     Face your fears.
    Face your fears. There are the big fears, such as heights, spiders, tight spaces, and germs, but there are also hundreds of subtle fears we bow to every day. Like the fear of breaking a bone, or falling down, or getting caught in the rain. What are the precautions you take every day to circumvent "negative" circumstances? And are those circumstances really worth stepping around? Those steps add up! It's good to be proactive, but it's bad to let a significant portion of your life be devoted to averting things that never happen--Little things that could turn into adventures or funny stories if you allow yourself to deal with a little discomfort.
  3. 3
    Become comfortable with taking risks.
     Become comfortable with taking risks.
    Become comfortable with taking risks. Your comfort zone is comfortable because it's where you know what to expect. Going out on a limb can be scary because you might fail. You might lose something. But you might also gain something, huh? In order to become comfortable with that uncertainty, you'll need to practice the following:

    • Non-attachment. When you decide to do something, do it for its own sake, not so that you can get a particular result. If you gamble, gamble with money you're ready and willing to lose; gamble for the fun and exhilaration of gambling. If you win, that's icing on the cake! But if you lose, no big deal. In other words, let go of your attachment to a certain outcome; instead, focus on the joy of doing whatever you're doing. Live in the moment.
    • Acceptance. When things don't go your way, and they won't, shrug it off. If you're clinging to your comfort zone, you're hanging on to an idea that the world is supposed to be a safe, predictable place, and that's an illusion. You're setting yourself up for frustration and disappointment. Open your eyes. The world is a dynamic place where things go right and wrong. That's just the way it is!

  4. 4
    Enjoy the unknown.
     Enjoy the unknown.
    Enjoy the unknown. When is the last time you felt excited about not knowing what was going to happen next? If you're deep in your comfort zone, it's probably been a while. Don't you miss it? Don't you miss the mixture of anticipation and anxiety that makes your heart flutter and stomach turn at the same time? Bring that feeling back into your life.


  • Find or date someone crazy. When you discover that person who brings out the adventurous side from within you, it will help to encourage your development tremendously. These people can be easy to spot and will be found, for example, five miles away from home after packing up only a camera, tent, and food, to go camping in the woods. Spontaneity is a great contrast to someone like yourself who may not be comfortable or familiar with stepping out of your comfort zone often.


  • Don't confuse stepping out of your comfort zone with being reckless and stupid. There's a difference between being reckless and accepting risks. Reckless people don't accept risks-they don't even think about them. You should know the risks, and decide to go through with the decision anyway, ready and willing to accept the consequences if things don't work out.

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Posted by Unknown

Shout Out

A big Shout Out to SERU
for this to be the one of the
 BEST personal development BLOG

I will continue to post a lot more 

to share with you guys 
thank you very much 
Posted by Unknown

AIESEC - my new platform?

I officially have join AIESEC, as a member in non-corporate relation .
I hope that I will learn something different that I've learned from SERU before this. 

I've attend a few of their workshop, I guess its okay.
But if I'm comparing them to SERU, its different a bit because all members of AIESEC are student
but SERU has been lead by a few professional in this field.
I'm also looking forward for exchange program
to do a voluntary program
especially in environmental field  
Posted by Unknown
Tag :


The reason we have to create this blog so that it will become our legacy to the future.
I did't really understand the true purpose of this blog either
So I just do it because it was a task for us
Later when I was browsing a YouTube
I found this video
I know its a crappy video
But it really is something
because this was made from our senior
And we did't get to see them because of the time gap
They probably graduated by now
This is their legacy.
Honestly, I do enjoy it a bit
In conclusion
I hope this blog will become
My Legacy
To the future Student
Especially to Telecommunication Student in University Malaya
I will share my mistake
my memories
my adventure
my experience
here so it can be beneficial to all of us
in the future

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Posted by Unknown

the MOST inspiring video

If you had a dream, and you can't get it, after you pray and work hard as you can.
"Let it go because we don't know what God plan to do"

Posted by Unknown

Week 12

Last week for this journal

What I've learn
- I actually surrounded by people who love me and I love them too...  Alhamdullilah

Function do I attend?
-open house of my ex schoolmate

Lesson from reading?
-Always be clear of your objective, I also just bought new book

I haven't read it yet, but I really want to know why he doesn't kecoh-kecoh after he step down as PM of Malaysia.

Lesson from AV
 this actually the scene from where the school actually attack by a random shooter. this episode was dedicated for Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut incident. The character starts to value of their life while something was taken from them during the moment. And the scene where they all record for the last moment of their life via phone, its just heart breaking.  So lesson?

I went to DUALISMA in UM, it nice to see other people perspective in arts.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Posted by Unknown

Week 11

Amazing fact about number 11 is that In English, it is the smallest positive integer requiring three syllables and the largest prime number with a single-morpheme name. Its etymology originates from a Germanic compound ainlif meaning "one left".

I've start to accept international workers as part of my society now, well what can we say, those people come to Malaysia and work with decency and honest also practice a good Muslim brotherhood better than some of us in Malaysian, but few among them sometimes create havoc and all of them are labelled as nuisance to our society.

So last Friday in week 11, more talks that promote Puasa Enam, which is the same as khutbah during solat raya.

Lesson from read I learned the origin of qunut Nazilah.
Lesson from AV

Don't be afraid in life, don't be afraid to try. the universe have push Marlin to find his son while overcome his phobia. And Dory just play witty.

So this week I went to UM again and people do judge you by your looks also pointer. So chill. That's life... Keep swimming swimming swimming ....

Posted by Unknown

Week 10

Week 10 for Ben 10.
Which week of quote is that?

So this raya full of surprises, when you learned about your family past, sometimes its full of wonderful stuff like happy things you learned to appreciate it, but when you learned about their dark secret of past, Its hard to accept it. especially when you always consider this man as a good person.

function attend?
Solat Raya in Subang which is for the first time ever.

Lesson from reading?
When you're reading to a person, sometimes you're realize that there are a few point miss from your last read.

Lesson from AV
try to forgive other

Activities ?
Hosting an open house
Lesson learn?
Please wear appropriately, don't just wear a shirt and a sarong to open house.
As a conclusion, this week really been a pain to my family although its raya.  and main lesson that I've learned , wealth can destroy a family. And the berkat is just gone if you don't manage it properly.
Posted by Unknown

Week 9

Rise of Nine wow...
one of the Lorien Legacies books.
This book got great taste of thriller and suspense.

So lets get back to business people, so sorry for the late update.

So what I've learned about myself this week is that its hard to let go of crushed dream. I swear, if I had a chance to be even a nurse I'll grab it. I know my passion is helping people , help them cure so that why I want to be a doctor so bad, its been two semester already since I started study in engineering school. Although I do feel belong there sometimes, but I can't shake my feeling that this is not for me. So my plan is after got my degree I will try to apply for SPA as a medical assistance or paramedic or a nurse because that is where my heart belong but in the same time ,I hope that I will forget this dream so I can move on.

Urgh.. so lets shut down that sappy story and move on to what function do I attend.
I got an interview for an outbound program, a lots of drama happened but everything is okay.

Lesson from reading, well since I apply for outbound in Indonesia , I read a lot of anti-Malaysia movement in Indonesia, why when and all that. So lesson learned , a lot of diplomacy required to balance both country for a better future.

What I learn from audio and visual, insecurity will get you no where. And I got it from the best musical drama ever GLEE.
 So this girl Marley so obsess about getting fat like her mom.

So she start to be bulimic which is skipping meal , throw up back what food been eaten , blablablah... ( wikipedia bulimic if you want to know more.) So she end up faint in a stage during competition as a result end up the whole team disqualified. So better embrace who you are and practice healthy lifestyle people.

Lastly what activities?
hang out with friends for discussion, lesson?
always prepare a book full of important phone number, because your phone sometimes are unreliable.
Posted by Unknown


week 8 already, wow!
4 more weeks than its over.

anyway lets begin

I realize that most of the times I think in English language. I think this may be the result of watching too much Hollywood drama and songs. I don't idolize them I just love the sarcastic way in a humorous way they deliver in the drama such as How I met Your Mother.

I also visit my grandfather this week. Lesson from reading 

is to have a plan and always improvise because sometimes thing go wrong.
and from video
of course I still watching The Simpsons.
this time is a documentary about the adult character growing up.
what they want to be and what happen to them when they grow up.
Character Marge Simpsoms which is talented in so may ways end up as a housewife.
why this thing happen and how Marge deal with it, although she didn't get what she wanted, but she still thankful in a way because the thing that stop her achieving her dream is the thing that she precious the most, her family.
I also realize that a sad truth from the main character of Homer Simpson based on this video how a broken family can destroy a  child.

   Homer growing up motherless because her mother leave him with his father. to make thing worse his father still cant handle the abandonment . Homer find comfort in food,alcohol and television. Its sad how unfortunate things change people.

Lastly I went to bazaar this week, and I realize that some people who are actually good at cooking only doing her business during ramadhan. I think its the best way to share their talent in cooking.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Posted by Unknown


What I learn about myself this week
- I love taking care of people, I feel useful.

What function do I attend this week
-Ceramah on phase 2 of ramadahan. Forgiveness.

What lesson did I get from reading this week
-Hard reset android. My has a broken China android, so I try to use my time as useful as possible, so I try to fix it but nothing is working yet still stuck on android starting logo.

What activities that I did
-I watch youtube a lot, try to find an idea on our sketch and also trying to figure out new songs for Recycle 12. So lesson? Be creative and random

What did I learn from A&V this week
-Homer: Celebrate your commonality. Some of us don't eat pork, some of us don't eat shellfish, but we all of us love chicken.
Muslim: You can simmer it in a tajine.
Jew: In a soup, you can boil it.
Homer: Spread the word: peace and chicken.

Sunday, July 21, 2013
Posted by Unknown

Survival Guide to a First Year Student

  1. Waktu nak daftar kolej barang-barang berat simpan dalam kereta dulu, lepas siap urusan hitam putih da dapat bilik baru angkat barang-barang
  2. pastikan wajah anda murah dengan senyuman, orang-orang yang anda berurusan itu adalah kebanyakan fasi-fasi anda.
  3. Kalau nak bilik sama dengan kawan daftar kolej sama-sama. 
  4. Prepare botol air siap-siap
  5. Kenali roomate anda, minta nombor telefon cepat-cepat takut-takut jadi apa-apa.
  6. Explore kolej kediaman anda sikit-sikit dahulu.
  7. Sebelum masuk dewan untuk taklimat orentasi pastikan diri anda bersih.
  8. Waktu sesi ice-breaking, betul-betul join program tersebut, hadirkan hati anda dalam program tersebut supaya mudah anda kenal orang sekeliling anda.
  9. Ubah mind set , kalau fasi disiplin jerit-jerit, ingat mereka berlakon sahaja. kalau diri rasa marah sangat just "play along".
  10. Buat apa yang fasi suruh buat bila dalam dewan.
  11. waktu orentasi mungkin penat sikit jadi prepare fizikal dan mental anda
  12. Join pertandingan yang ada dalam orentasi, ada banyak faedahnya.
  13. SENTIASA senyum dan bagi salam pada fasi walaupun nanti diorang akan cakap ada yang tak buat... so cliche...
  14. Jaga pertuturan, minggu orentasi ialah first impression anda. jadi buat elok-elok
  15. kalau mereka bagi nombor telefon sila catit
  16. bawak semua barang amanah
  17. makan dengan kawan
  18. sila hadirkan diri anda dan hati anda dalam setiap program
  19. kalau sakit cakap jangan takut
  20. hari terakhir orentasi tu sabar sabar sabar ( nanti taulah lakonan-lakonan fasi-fasi anda tu)
  21.  hari pertama kuliah pakai biasa-biasa je
  22. pergi dengan kawan
  23. ambik nombor telefon ,nombor cubicle ofis lecturer anda
  24. kenali fakulti anda ( ambik sedikit masa dan jalan-jalan)
  25. kenali rakan-rakan anda ( agak mustahil untuk cari geng dengan cepat, tapi nanti jumpalah)
  26. stick to your budget , awal-awal memang banyak pakai duit
  27. gunalah encik youtube dan encik google untuk sumber ulangkaji anda
  28. selalu duduk depan dan tanya pada lecturer anda jika tak faham
  29. habiskan tutorial seawal mungkin
  30. lab report memang leceh tapi buat, nanti biasalah
  31. naik bas
  32. jangan express tanggapan anda terhadap seseorang, layan mereka semua sama rata. HORMATI SEMUA ORANG.
  33. join program kolej, tapi jangan join banyak sangat
  34. kalau budak UM join program SERU tak rugi langsung
  35. pastikan almari dan bilik sentiasa dikunci
  36. barang-barang telarang pandai-pandailah simpan
  37. Plan masa anda , pastikan ada planner
  38. Sentiasa cek email
  39. start menabung
  40. cas handset setiap malam
  41. berbaik-baik dengan senior
  42. belajar bahasa baru
  43. buat sesuatu yang baru
  44. Jalan-jalan sekitar kampus anda
  45. sentiasa jalan dengan kawan
  46. baca lecture note sebelum ke kelas
  47. wajib breakfast pagi-pagi
  48. kalau nak tukar kos tu, kena ada plan backup dari A sampai K.
  49. Be independant , buat keputusan jangan ikut kawan
  50. Jaga kebersihan bilik asrama
  51. Pergi join program University 
  52. Enjoy your campus life

ni je kot kalau ada apa-apa yang miss komen lah.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Posted by Unknown

Review Subjek Kejuruteraan Telekomunikasi Tahun 1 University Malaya

To Simplify
This is what I've already learn in UM so far
I think?


ni ialah kelas facebook twitter dan browsing email.
kelas ni ajar mcm mne nk buat assignment bahagian rujukan
sangat berguna untuk subjek wajib UM.


yay kelas sejarah tamadun 
memang best sebab saya peminat novel percy jackson
kelas ni byk belajar balik sejarah2 SPM


belajar pasal racist dan politic
oh yeah tarik nafas dalam2
keep  calm and go to class
sebab lecturer kitorang BEST GILA!!!
dan saya boleh relate subjek ni dgn politik malaysia sekarang


kelas belajar meniaga
jual air
jual air
rugi rm 4.++
yang penting 


kelas yang betul-betul ajar skill untuk hidup
tech writing is everywhere 
kelas agak bosan tapi penting


kelas ni memang punca orang study
kelas basic pengiraan
memang macam fuyohhh
fuyoh fuyoh
subjek lain pakai subjek ni.
so telan dan hadam je lah...


kelas yg pertama dapat homework
which is 2nd day of school
malam2 mmg bukak buku matrik balik la 
kne tgk V=IR


kelas yang pertama fail
waktu exam demam panas datang tu setakat datang je.
memang urghhh


kelas paling best sebab lecturer yg best ajar
kelas tu mmg buat student rse mcm nk tanye pun x malu


kelas yang best dan intersting gila
tapi memang mcm susah la
belajar benda yang tak nampak
susah nak bayangkan
tapi subjek ni lah yang buat saya jatuh cinta dalam 
telecommunication engineering


oh yeah
kelas paling best
sebab dari dulu 
aku memang nak tau macam mne elektronik berfungsi
thank you digimon for the curiosity
kelas ni byk ajar gate ,flip flop
mmg kne buat byk latihan


kelas yang hampir serupa dengan PHYSICAL ELECTRONIC
cuma dia lebih modern dan kita boleh 
nampak sekeliling kita


nampak susah tapi susah
buat senang tapi susah
hahahaha kelas yang paling intersting


SEM 1 
memang susah
sebab kena main oscilloscope
barang byk rosak
tapi lab report mmg buat sendiri

senang sikit dgn format lab yg baru
dah biasa sikit ngan oscilloscope
yg paling best ada digital lab
which is so hard.


nak tanye ?
nak komen?
nak like?
nak share?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Posted by Unknown

Hari pertama kuliah kejuruteraan telekomunikasi University Malaya


Bila masuk kelas pertama ialah kelas algebra.
masuk-masuk je
lecturer datang lambat
sepatutnye bolehla kenal-kenal sikit
tapi sebab telinga ni selalu sumbat earphone.
memang dapat pangilan lone ranger lah.
saya ni memang susah nak fit in dalam group kawan-kawan.
tak tau lah kenapa 
mungkin sebab rasa diri ni tak setaraf dengan mereka.
lepas lecturer masuk dan start mengajar
memang betul cakap mereka
keluar je kelas memang rasa diri makin bodoh.
kelas seterusnya kelas programming C++
untuk mereka yang ada basic 
nampak macam wah hebatnyaaaa
tapi sebab aku di matrikulasi dulu tidak ambik programming memang macam
tapi alhamdullilah programming final exam dapat A
kelas programming tu kami dapat kenal 
classmate2 kami yang ohsem gila.
tu la yang jadi waktu hari pertama kuliah di UM .



What I have Learn about myself this week

I'm not good dealing with death.
Al-fatiha to my late uncle.
Takziah kepada keluarga arwah

What function did I attend this week

my late uncle funeral


What Lesson That I Learn From Reading This Week

I learn that Sun Tzu art of war is multipurpose not just applied in battle or business. it can be applied on tactical games. 


Lesson from Visual this week

I just watch this 

and I cant wait for this

Oh its revolution alright... Justice will come in any form in response to kindness.


What Activities That I did?

Fasting, and when you do practice all the sunnah , inshaallah your fasting will become more barakah.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Posted by Unknown


Saturday, July 6, 2013
Posted by Unknown

Pengalaman Mengamalkan Istinsyaq

Istinsyaq iaitu memasukkan air kedalam hidung dan keluarkannya semula. 

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda, maksudnya : “Sesiapa berwuduk hendaklah menyedut air ke dalam hidung kemudian mengeluarkannya semula .” (HR Muslim)

Kebaikkan Instinsyaq ialah mampu menyembuhkan penyakit resdung. 

Saya sendiri salah seorang yang mengalami penyakit resdung dari kecil lagi, dan jerawat akibat resdung tu, alahai.... tak nampak bersih muka. Tapi lepas mengamalkan instinsyaq ni, resdung pun makin kurang, alhamdullilah . Jerawat pon sama kurang sebab resdung dah kurang. mula-mula buat memang sakit, sakit kat kepala dia memang kuat macam makan wasabi banyak-banyak sekaligus tapi lepas beberapa hari, rasa sakit tu dah kurang kadang-kadang tiada pun. Saya memang sarankanlah pembaca untuk mengamalkan instinsyaq ni lagi-lagi time mengambil wudhuk.  
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Posted by Unknown


Week 4 ehh.... 
well it certainly has been a bumpy ride this semester but i'll get to that later

What I have learnt about myself this week
It feels good to help people and I do enjoys spending time with them.
Well this week is a farewell week for my friends and I, two of my best bro Syafiq Izwan and Alex are from Labuan and Sabah, so next time I'm going to see them is the next semester. Looking forward for another great adventure with these two. 

What function do I attend this week
Well since it the last week for us in UM for this semester, we decided to have a small farewell dinner. I had a great time spending time with them. 

Where's Alex , Ezaty and other? next post....

What Lesson Did I Get From Reading This Week?

Deaf people do have a voice inside of their head. Although they never heard people communicate via verbal. 

What Did I Learn From Media This Week?
Differences complement." People should appreciate who you are.." Wizard of Waverly Place. 
Basically that is the theme of the movie that I just saw. 

So here is the full movie if you guys are a fan of this series, this is the final movie of them which is 
The Wizards Return : Alex vs Alex
Based on Wizard of Waverly Place 


What Activities that I did and Lesson?
Read e-book its lighter and more environmental friendly.
Since its the last day for me in UM for this semester, we have to pack things up in our college.
And my luggage just filled with books. a lot of them... 

So that a wrap for this semester people.
End of week 4.

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Posted by Unknown


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